Sivunas Alahair

by Shenze-Yang

Sivir, the Battle Mistress

Muse Info

Mercenary. Tomb raider. Cutthroat. Princess.

by Ichiro Artosaki

Modern Info

You need it? She'll bring it.

by Vincent Tran

Ascendant AU Info

The Bringer of Rains

Account Info

Laws are whatever works at the time.

Muse Info

As an orphan, Sivir learned that morals will get you killed in Shurima. This wasn't the first harsh lesson she learned or the last. Robbed by friends, stabbed by clients, hunted by ancients, Sivir knows that the most powerful force in the desert is a paycheck.Now, with gods wandering the sands, she tries to resume her old life, Chalicar in hand. Sooner or later, destiny would catch up with her. But until then?There's no such thing as too much gold.

  • Mid-20s

  • Fit as fuck

  • Wields the Chalicar, ancient god weapon

  • Shurima's greatest tomb raider

  • The empire's heiress, whether she likes it or not

Modern Info

Most people think of Sivir as the pizza girl, but that was just a high school cash grab. These days, she's the after-hours delivery queen of the city. For an appropriate fee, she'll find what you're waiting on and have it to you before the sun comes up.

  • Night owl supreme

  • Still slings a hot pizza if the price is right

  • Not as rich as she acts, but has some money

  • Kept the moped, knows every back alley it fits through

Ascendant AU Info

The battle for control of Shurima has had unintended consequences. The first Ascendant in millennia has been born, defying tradition as she always has. Ascension has solidified her commitment to Shurima, and woe betide any who would bar her path, now more than ever.

  • Retains appearance, though she stands at the limit of normal size

  • Mastery of the Chalicar grants access to the magics within it

  • Faster and stronger than ever

  • When pressed, can assume a much larger size, similarly to Nasus and Renekton

  • Beginning to assume control of the land

The Bringer of Rains

The sandstorm begins around the city so suddenly and so violently that anyone who gets to shelter in time can agree that it isn't natural. Azir's inability to command it to stop confirms this fear, though the only people he can tell are the handful of individuals within the palace's war room. Markers upon the map shudder, some toppling in the chaos before the shutters can be closed, and even when that struggle is completed papers flutter through the air on the dying currents.The door burst open, the captain of the guard rushing. Despite knowing the people inside, knowing he had to duck out of the way immediately, he still lost a pair of dreadlocks to the golden cross-blade hurled at him. A clear note rang through the room, though it was quickly drowned out by the howling winds outside.The news was bad, of course. What else could it be in the middle of such a horrific storm? A horde of bloodthirsty bandits amassed outside the gates, appearing from nowhere within the raging sands. Even as the message was being relayed, arcane bolts were beginning to crash down and crack the walls and gate, the storm slowly starting to die off. Even though they couldn't see it from here, the sound was unmistakable to the two who had been at Vekuara.Xerath.Suddenly the storm made sense, the ferocity and sudden appearance of it. Masking the movement of his forces, dispelling those of the true emperor. And now, after nearly a decade of freedom, he had brought this fight back to the point where it began. Why he had chosen this moment, right now, to attack was anyone's guess, but the mercenary queen would bet a very hefty sum on the fact that Belveth the city had vanished, and Bel'Veth the monster had appeared.The city's main gate thundered something unbelievably heavy slamming into it over and over. Even if the windows had been open, the positioning wouldn't provide a clear line of sight, but the savage snarling and calls for Nasus gave everyone in earshot a good idea of what it was. There was no surprise that Renekton had come along as well. As the thick timbers barring the gate started splintering, cracks appearing in the stonework, one thing had become clear.The battle for the Sun Disc had begun.=============================It was hardly a few hours before things had moved to center around the base of the Disc itself. The streets were painted crimson, The initial storm had driven all the city's guards inside to shelter, giving Xerath's forces a nearly free path up the main street. Sand soldiers began springing up among them shortly after the storm died down, cutting down the fanatical soldiers and brainwashed wanderers in droves until the Magus and Butcher caught up. When Nasus moved in to intercept, the street became an arena for the battle of the two brothers, and any within a mile would suffer their wrath.Xerath continued, intending to finally complete the botched Ascension he began so many years ago. Azir interrupted him, caught at the base of the Sun Disc dais, a thousand soldiers of sand filling the stairs behind him. Arcane energy flew, and golden spears were hurled as a second pair of brothers began their final battle.=============================The ground battle, while much less destructive to the city overall, came at a much heavier cost of life. Once the guards were able to leave the shelter they had taken, all-out warfare raged through the city streets. Sivir moved between buildings, mind racing with every corner she turned. The confined allies and streets were perfect for her combat style. Calculations made on the fly for the correct angle to bounce her weapon would get anyone else killed. The blade flew, humming through the air, the woman herself running past the first person it cut through before it hit the second, and so on. She had no goal other than survive and thin out the invading forces.Couldn't just stay in the palace, it had been assaulted almost immediately following the two Sunborn leaving. Massive war beasts smashing everything they could reach, hostile mindless zealots, swarming every corner. Paranoia served her well in such chaos, keeping the eyes in the back of her head open. In the moment, Sivir couldn't remember what hell looked like, but this couldn't be much different. Men of all walks of life were dropping all around her, even as she ducked beneath blades, arms growing heavy with repeated throws of an ancient weapon.How long it took, she couldn't say, but her path ended at the base of the Sun Disc. With her breathing ragged from moving so long, the adrenaline pumping through her veins was starting to wear out. Despite the horror and darkness of the street, the sky was as clear as it could be, the brilliant light reflecting off the golden disc above. It felt like her stomach dropped out of her. All her life she had been fighting what she thought her destiny was, trying to forge her own path. Time and time again what she fought against seemed to become what she was fighting for, and here it was once more, staring her in the face.Of all the choices made in her life, this one felt by far the heaviest. Her feet felt like lead blocks, dread weighing down her limbs in a way she had never felt before. The voice inside screamed to run. Run, as she had when her parents died. Run, when she had been offered a home in the temples of Nashramae. Run, when confronted by guards when caught stealing food and coin. Run, when revived in the Oasis of the Dawn, watching her ancestor become a god.The Magus was floating at the top. Power began to pour off the disc in almost liquid waves of light, condensing into his already ethereal form. Seconds stretched into eternity. One choice to be made. To run and live in whatever hell became of the world after this day, or to fight and die again for something much better than her own greed. She knew Azir wasn't dead, not yet. Xerath wouldn't let him die again without witnessing his failure completely.A dozen steps up before the thought even finished. One more hurl of the Chalicar, arm screaming in protest as the blade hummed louder than ever before. Legs threatened to give out every time her boots thundered down on the stone stairs. Death, then. But at least for a righteous cause.The Chalicar smashed into the stone restraint on Xerath's back, knocking him from the cascade of power. Instead of the flow ceasing, it attached itself to the magical crossblade which drank deeply from the Sun Disc. Even as the blade ricocheted upward, bouncing off the impossibly large font of power, Sivir crested the staircase, instinctively extending an arm to catch it. As her fingers closed around the grip, all of the power that had pooled within it, and the tether to the ancient tool above flooded into her, ripping her into the sky. As she convulsed under such energy, she wasn't even able to close her eyes as they glazed over in pure golden light that then began to start pouring from her pores until it engulfed the mercenary's form, obscuring her, then the top of the dais, then the entire structure, a clear note ringing through the city while a wave of force emanated from it, clearing dust from here to the walls.When the light cleared, Sivunas Alahair had changed. Where once was a toned, strong woman now floated a god-warrior of immense stature. Her usual outfit had grown in both size and magnificence, glittering in the fading sunlight. Sivir had only seemed to grow in scope, both physically and spiritually, and the Chalicar had grown in size to match her new figure. The newly Ascendant woman still radiated power, and as her eyes snapped open, the golden glow around her shifted to a white fire, clouds darkening the sky. Holding the weapon before her, she began channeling the power within it and herself, recreating an ancient ritual within the magical memory of the celestial weapon.As rain began to fall from above, Xerath howled in rage. Once more his plan had been interrupted by one of the royal bloodline who had sworn to kill. As his power lashed out at Sivir, the white flame jumped from the Chalicar to catch it and consume it. With each bolt, it reached closer and closer to the Magus, threatening to begin stealing the power directly from him. As it brushed his form, he screamed in pain, the first felt in millennia. Before she could get a firm grasp on him, a torrent of pure energy came down upon Sivir, requiring all her focus to defend herself, allowing the baccai to escape.The rains began to fall harder and faster as the remaining incursion turned and followed their false emperor from Shurima. Blood washed from the streets and the walls as fresh water cleansed the city for the first time in known memory. The battle was over, affording the survivors a chance to lick their wounds. Now, with a new Ascendant on the playing field, one wielding a tool capable of stripping his power, Xerath would think twice about such a reckless attack again.Turning to look out over the city, she finally exhaled, mostly out of reflex. As her form returned to its previous size, the silvery light dissipated from her. There was so much work to be done. The Bringer of Rains had come, and it was time to forge her true destiny.

Account Info

  • Writer is 25+

  • Minors DNI

  • N/SFW RP due to potential dark or lewd themes

  • Detailed, selective in DMs